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A. Membership
  1. Personal MemberPersonal Members are individuals who are 20 years old and older, belongs to R&D, manufacturing, or application field of aerospace and defense additive manufacturing, or are interested in and agrees with the purpose of TAAMIA could apply to join. Applicants should fill out the application form and pay the membership fee at the time of application; the board of directors will review these applications and decide whether to accept.
  2. Organizational MemberOrganizational Members are public and private organizations or groups that belong to R&D, manufacturing, or application field of aerospace and defense additive manufacturing, or are interested in and agrees with the purpose of TAAMIA could apply to join. Applicants should fill out the application form and pay the membership fee at the time of application; the board of directors will review and decide whether to accept. Organizational Members should assign three people in its organization as representatives to exercise their rights.
B. Benefits
  1. Participate in free or discounted seminars, technical courses and visits organized by TAAMIA.
  2. Participate in symposiums on industry policy demand, providing advices to the government in formulating industrial development policies.
  3. Participate in domestic and international exhibitions organized by TAAMIA.
  4. Organizational Members should assign three people in its organization as representatives to exercise their rights. Each of them represents one vote.
  5. Please refer to the Articles of Association for further membership rights and obligations.
C. How to Join
  1. Fill out the application form; attach a copy of your organization’s legal proof of registration documents (organizational members) or a copy of your identity card (personal members), and mail to TAAMIA.
  2. After the Board of Directors approves your application for membership, please pay the admission fee and the annual membership fee, and provide a copy of proof of payment to TAAMIA.